Target Audience: Language teachers and/or language teaching materials developers. Men and women. Ages mid-20 to late 50s. Advanced degrees in language education and/or applied linguistics. International (some living in the US and some living abroad). Primarily non-native English speakers.
Description of Problem: CeLCAR, is a title VI, federally funded Language Resource Center that creates learning materials for teaching the languages and cultures of the Central Asian region. In the past, language developers have worked independently and without much guidance for developing language textbooks. Recently, new developers have used previously developed textbooks as a guide for developing new textbooks, as well as consulting with an on-staff language pedagogist. However, this one-on-one/face-to-face training is not as organized and efficient as it could be. Also, it is especially ineffective for working with developers living overseas.
By creating a CBT course to teach the fundamentals of designing and developing advanced level textbooks for LCTL developers, the center will save time during the development process. Additionally, by reminding the developers of the foundations of language education, the content and effectiveness of the materials will be strengthened. And finally, creating a CBT will allow non-local developers access and benefit from the training as well.
Instructional Objectives:
1. Without references, be able to name (write) and define (write) the 5 Cs of Foreign Language Standards.
2. Given 10 examples of textbook tasks/activities/exercises, be able to correctly identify (label) with 100% accuracy which of the 5 Cs of Foreign Language Standards is being exemplified (if any).
3. Without references, be able to identify (circle):
a. a task.
b. an activity
b. an exercise.
4. When provided with the ACTFL Proficiency Guideline*, be able to correctly identify (circle) three examples of Advanced level tasks/activities/exercises.
5. When provided with the IRL Scale, be able to correctly identify (circle) three examples of Level 3 tasks/activities/exercises.
6. Without references, be able to explain (write) the differences between the purpose of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and the IRL Scale.
7. Without references, be able to define (write) the Communicative Language Teaching Approach and list (write) the five features.8. Provided 5 themes and 5 topics, be able to discriminate (label) between a topic and a theme.
8. Given a potential textbook theme, be able to name (write) ten example topics related to the theme.
9. When given an example topic, be able to provide an example (write) of applying concentric design.
10. Given a sample Scope and Sequence, be able to identify (label) the parts.
11. Using all references provided in the training, create (write) a skeleton Scope and Sequence for an Advanced LCTL textbook.
* Communication, Culture, Comparisons, Communities, and Connections
** American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages
*** Interagency Language Roundtable
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